Pastor Jones Britus was born in August 1969 and raised in a village in Southeast Haiti, the commune of Marigot. He is married and blessed with two daughters.
Since 2012, he has been the founding director of the non-profit organization "Alliance Haitienne/Haitian Alliance” for development and particularly for empowering orphans, vulnerable children, and the young without family support, which God entrusted to him in a dream. Then, in April 2019, he founded a home for orphaned children called "Univers des Enfants/ Children's Universe.” In 2021, he also founded an evangelism association called " Missionnaires de Jésus-Christ en Action/ Missionaries of Jesus Christ in Action" after a revelation from God.
Pastor Jones is also the founding pastor of two young churches in Haiti called "Evangelical Church Unity of God." Jesus showed him in a vision that He would use him to plant other churches in Haiti.